
Welcome to my blog

Me and my boys Max and Nicho out crab fishing at my familys cottage.
Hello and welcome to my personal blog. I'm Magnus, an 37 year old Norwegian father of three beautiful children, and we're living in the small municipality of Haugesund on the west coast of Norway.

Originally built on the herring fishery between the 1850s to the 1950s, today my hometown is the centre for around 150.000 inhabitants in the area of Haugalandet and Sunnhordland, and the main industries are shipping, oil and gas and everything that belongs to these activities.

Through my blog you get to experience my daily life as a single father (currently separated), my work as a freelance journalist and my quest for a happy and eventful life.

As you will learn to know me through this blog, you will see my main interests are music, traveling, film and TV, fishing, soccer, food and wines and most importantly my friends and family.

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