
Upcoming trip to L.A. and Las Vegas

VENICE BEACH: I'm so excited about going to L.A. in a fourthnight.
In about two weeks time I'm off to the United States for the first of hopefully many trips abroad this year. I have traveled a lot in Europe, but never been to the Americas before.

In 2014 i plan to work mostly freelance after being tied to one employer over the last few years. The freedom of freelancing is that you are free to do whatever you want whenever you want - as long as you have the finances to cope off course.

When an old friend of mine just before Chrismas mentioned to me that he was going to Las Vegas to meet and greet Britney Spears in February, I wasn't that interested. But, when he also mentioned that he was planning to enjoy himself in Los Angeles for a week, before traveling on to Las Vegas, I listened with more interest.

That would be a dream come true I thought, and after checking my calendar and agreeing with my ex-wife about the kids, I bought my tickets.

It's going to be so much fun!

As a reader of my blog you will probably learn a lot about this trip as time goes by, but here is a short video presentation from the hotel I have booked at Venice Beach - Hotel Erwin.

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