
Look who I met today!

Today I had a great encounter with one of my favourite documentary directors - Mr. Sam Dunn.

Quietly enjoying my beer in the beautiful sunshine outside the 3 Square Café by RöckenWagner in Abbot Kinney here in Venice, I notised a tall longhaired man I somehow recognized. Told my friend I thought he made rock documentaries, but I wasn't sure myself at that point.

I left it with the thought, but later when we bumped into the same guy in a crossing, I went up to him and asked.

- You're perfectly right, I'm Sam Dunn, he said.

So cool. I told him I really appreciated his 2009 "Iron Maiden: Flight 666" documentary and that I later also saw his film "Global Metal" (2008) and his "Metal Evolution" from 2011.

The Iron Maiden live video "En vivo!" is also a product of Sam Dunn.

Dunn co-directs most of his work with Scot McFadyen

Turns out he has also made a documentary about progressive rock band "Rush" and a concert DVD of the same band.

This man really has met most of my favourite metal rock artists.

In our short encounter on a street corner today Mr. Dunn told me he's been to Norway several times to document the metal scene in Bergen, Stavanger and Oslo.

He has also had great help in Stavanger based Canadian photographer Martin Hawkes who has filmed in several of Dunn and McFadyens projects.

Mr. Dunn also let us in on his ongoing work - soon to be released.

Legendary shock rocker Alice Cooper is getting his own documentary named "Super Duper Alice Cooper". Dunn and McFadyen co-directs with fellow Canadian director Reg Harkema.

I have to admit I was really stoked to meet Mr. Dunn today. I really respect his journalistic work with some of my favourite bands.


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