
My travel companion

THIS TIME IT'S FOR REAL: André and Britney in Madam Tussauds.
On my trip to the states I will travel with my good old friend André. As stated in the previous post he is going to meet up with current Planet Hollywood resident Britney Spears before one of her shows in Las Vegas.

He paid $2.500 just to say hi to her and have a picture taken. Included is also backstage arrangements and front row seating.

I went with André to a Spears concert i Parken, Copenhagen, a few years back. Not my kind of music, but the show was great. The Las Vegas experience is supposed to be even greater.

2009: Me and Britney Spears (in the spotlight) in Parken.
My travel companion also have plans for our stay in L.A. He wants to run up and down Santa Monica Beach impersonating his childhood idols from Baywatch. I promise you I'm gonna take a lot of pictures and videos. He, he.

BAYWATCH: André posing in his life guard gear.

 Just writing this I know how much laughter and fun the trip with this hilarious man is going to be.

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