
Recovering from Friday night

Recovering from Friday night with some vietnamese-style summer rolls for breakfast. They're really easy to make, healthy and the taste is really nice.

I water down the rice paper and fill them with avocado, cucumber, basil leafs, fresh coriander, baby spinage and season the greens with lemon pepper before I roll them up.

BREAKFAST: Vietnamese-style summer rolls and som fruit.

Had a wonderful night with friends last night. I brought the drinks, the girls made the food.

Homemade sushi, chili mayo, perfectly oven-baked scampi shrimps and Norwegian salma salmon.

I can honestly say that the girls, Mai and Sølvi, now are ready to audition for their favourite TV-programme, Masterchef.

The food was perfect!

With the food we had Kirin (Japanese beer) and Norwegian Sake (Nøgne Ø).

Mai made mini-pavlovas for dessert and we drank beautiful Austrian Eiswein with it.

What a wonderful start of the weekend!!

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